Wednesday, 28 October 2009

More than just knowing which buttons to press....

There is much talk, especially amongst those in the creative world, about the videos circulating titled 'Graphic Designer versus Client' and 'Graphic Designer versus Client - The Sequel'. For those of you not familiar with these videos, click below - but be warned... the language is colourful to say the least! (click back to come back to this blog)

Graphic designer versus client

I won't deny that there was a fair amount of knowing sniggering in the office when we first saw the clips, not least because of the 'creative' swearing!

The overwhelming response, both in conversation and on message boards, has been 'Wow, so it's not just me then?!!' and it raises the question "Why is design so undervalued?"

In my business we spend a lot of time seeking to educate our audience on the benefits of good design: providing 'befores and afters'; getting feedback from clients on the results of their campaigns; gathering evidence of the positive impact of good design.

Despite all of this it still proves to be, for many businesses, a sticking point when it comes to making that investment. And, an investment it should be considered. 

The Design Council, the national strategic body for design, carries out regular studies and surveys and their site ( is stuffed full of enlightening information that is useful to both the creative industry and it's clients.

Did you know that for every £100 that a 'design alert' business spends on design, turnover increases by £225? Even more attractive is the fact that companies that invest in design can avoid competing on price alone. Certainly in my business I have found this to be the case.

And when they talk about making an investment, they mean with a professional designer!

Today's graphics software (or at least the poor man's versions of them) are so easy to lay your hands on these days that it can be tempting for businesses to try and cut corners by cutting out the professional design process. 

But design is so much more than just knowing which buttons to press and cutting corners could well end up costing your business much more than the corner you cut in the first place!

Graphic design is a skill which is honed and developed over time but which requires an eye and instinct for; it is a skill in which professional designers train to perfect their art and the learning process never stops.

There will be thought, creativity and expertise applied to producing the best possible design for the job.
What's more, it is a considered process - you wouldn't teach your granny how to suck eggs... would you?!!

In my opinion, the creative industry is being undermined by 'design' packages such as Publisher and online companies which allow you to 'design' your own business card, creating at times a friction between creative and client. The recent videos to circulate certainly reflect this!

So, enough of my opinions. The 'proof is in the eating', as they say. You'll find on this blog examples of how we've added value to our clients marketing and the results of that investment.

Good design sells. Could we be doing the same for you?

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